A Hill of Beans Story
"It doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Some day you'll understand that."
- Rick Blaine from Casablanca -
So it starts with Dave and Martha sitting on the green bean bags one night in the first week after they bought The Bean back in 2005. The one thing they could completely agree on was that they didn’t want to be pretentious coffee roasters. We knew it’d be easy to slip into that sense of exaggerated self-importance in life living in the microscopic bubble of a small coffee industry business, whether it’s a roastery or a coffeehouse – you hang out being coffee geeks about coffee, you get way over caffeinated, and you work open to close seven days a week so you only drink your own coffee, and maybe a few from old roasting pals in Portland, and a bag of Peet’s here and there. And you’re a coffee roaster in Omaha, Nebraska and it’s 2005. As one of our vintage tee shirts says, ‘we roasted coffee before it was cool”. Anyway, we had a moment of prescience and decided NOT to forget who we are, and what we do. We are in the business of buying really great green beans, roasting them to their sweet spot, and sharing them with our customers at reasonable prices with great service. No affectations. No judgement about cream, sugar, or even flavored creamer.
Real coffee. Real people.
Actually, really great coffee and really great people.
At A Hill of Beans, we take our coffee seriously…very seriously. Our fast-paced, customer-driven environment is one noteworthy aspect of our business that sets us apart from the rest. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best experience each and every time they walk through our doors to purchase beans, pop into one of our ROAST locations for a cup of Joe, or shop with us online. Each customer. Every time.
This commitment to excellence starts with our meticulous attention to our beans; roasted fresh daily in our Omaha location. Our master roaster, and his equally zealous roasting partners, make certain each batch of coffee is roasted to perfection; hand-picking only the best beans to give our customers. Dave has long followed the “bean-to-cup” model – that each coffee bean has a story that starts with the right terroir, the best sustainable farming practices, the right processing methods for that bean, and ultimately, the perfect roast that brings each bean to its ultimate sweet spot. Each bean. Every time. Call us crazy, call us fanatical, but don’t call us anything less than extraordinary when it comes to our passion for coffee. Real coffee. Real people.